A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue structure pushes through the weak muscle wall around it. Hernias are common in both men and women and are caused when they have a weak muscle structure near an organ.
There are several types of hernia based on their location. The most prevalent types of hernias are inguinal, femoral, incisional, and umbilical hernias. Among them, interstitial hernia is a type of indirect inguinal hernia.
In this article, we’ll look into interstitial hernias, their causes, and how they are different from other inguinal hernias.
What is an interstitial hernia?
An interstitial hernia is a type of indirect inguinal hernia that appears between the layers of the abdominal wall through the internal abdominal ring. It is one of the three types of interparietal hernias; the other two types are “superficial” and “properitoneal” hernias.
It is most often found in children and accompanies an undescended testis. According to studies, the chances of developing interstitial hernias are around 0.08% and 1.6%. They are rare and often formed as a complication following a Lichtenstein hernioplasty.
How is interstitial hernia different from other Hernias?
Unlike other inguinal hernias, an interstitial hernia does not descend through the inguinal canal. Instead, the hernia sac places itself between two layers of the abdominal wall.
The hernia may appear between any layers of the abdominal wall. However, they most prominently appear between the internal oblique and external oblique muscles in a lateral-cephalic direction.
What are the causes of interstitial hernia?
Interstitial hernias mostly appear in men, and you may wonder whether hernias occur in females , only limited cases have been reported on females. The hernia is reportedly 3.5 times more prevalent in men than women. It is frequently associated with an improper or incomplete descent of the testicle into the scrotum.
Another factor that can cause interstitial hernia is the narrowing of the external inguinal ring that prevents the intestine from descending through the inguinal canal. This makes the hernia sac slide between the abdominal muscles, resulting in interstitial hernias.
These hernias are easy to miss and can only be found during laparoscopic explorations in case of pain or wound. They can also be diagnosed through ultrasounds.
What are the Symptoms of the interstitial Hernia?
Interstitial hernias mostly appear in men, and only limited cases have been reported on females. The hernia is reportedly 3.5 times more prevalent in men than women. It is frequently associated with an improper or incomplete descent of the testicle into the scrotum.
Another factor that can cause interstitial hernia is the narrowing of the external inguinal ring that prevents the intestine from descending through the inguinal canal. This makes the hernia sac slide between the abdominal muscles, resulting in interstitial hernias.
These hernias are easy to miss and can only be found during laparoscopic explorations in case of pain or wound. They can also be diagnosed through ultrasounds.
Hernias is a common disease, starting from Physiological Umbilical Hernia , sublay-mesh-repair-umbilical-hernia to phantom Hernia that can cause discomfort and pain if left untreated for a long time. If you suspect you have a hernia, it is best to visit a laparoscopic surgeon and get it diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
Hernias are usually not serious and can be treated with minor surgery. However, they can also cause loss of blood supply to the herniated organ and lead to strangulation and necrosis (tissue death).